Damon Conklin
Color Outside the Lines: Unscene
The screen shot should give you an idea of how colorful this interview was, visually and audibly. Damon Conklin is one of the most well respected artists in the industry period, the white side and black side, despite the fact he downplays any inkling of talent or business savvy on his part.
His story takes us into the life and mind of artists a bit. Stories about a persons childhood and upbringing will typically give you insight into the artist and person they or anyone would be today. Although you cant fully judge what to expect from a person strictly based off how they were raised, Damon's candor lets us know just how influential life experience can be on your work.
Up Next in Color Outside the Lines: Unscene
Imani K Brown
This is one of those interviews that really lets you know about a particular time and place in a person's life. If you ever get a chance, ask Imani about how many things changed not even since then to now, but in the 3 years alone it took us to finish the film.
Miya always spoke highly of how ...
Chris Mensah
If you do nothing else to be a successful artist and business owner, you will sacrifice. Chris is an artist who embodies that very word and his interview clearly enlightens us on the things "regular" people take for granted such as time for yourself and the ones you love; all for the sake of bein...
Miya Bailey Goes Home Pt 1.
There are a few places where we got a TON of footage and Asheville is certainly one of them. We pretty much went everywhere that held some meaning to Miya throughout the course of his life and interviewed lots of family and friends.
For the first look into new pieces of Miya's private life, w...